
Handwriting is vital to academic learning. Even with technology, the ability to write legibility and effectively is important as it also encourages learning and brain development. Children who struggle with writing benefit greatly from Occupational Therapy. Proper handwriting is taught in a fun and child centred way, to develop a love for writing.

Play & Write Preparation

Dynamics Therapy Centre for Kids is pleased to offer fun and functional ‘Write it Right’ groups aimed at developing your child’s confidence and skills in handwriting. This fun and functional group aims to build the foundation skills of handwriting through games, step by step instruction and multi-sensory learning. The groups are run by occupational therapists specializing in the development of handwriting skills.

Is your child able to:
  • Hold the pencil correctly?
  • Sit properly at the table?
  • Position the page appropriately?
  • Form letters and numbers correctly?
  • Able to trace and copy shapes accurately?
Specific skills targeted within this group include:
  • Mature pencil grip development
  • Assuming and maintaining optimal seated posture
  • Correct letter and number formation
  • Developing prewriting and copying skills
  • Developing fine motor planning and co-ordination
  • Developing core stability and shoulder stability

Groups are run in 1 hour sessions twice a week for 3 weeks duration. Children who attend the group will be given activities to follow through with at home to further assist in skill development and maintenance.

Parents will receive a summary of their child’s progress at the conclusion of the group.

Play & Write Fun

Is your child able to:
  • Hold the pencil and sit properly at the table?
  • Form the letters and numbers correctly?
  • Write words and sentences neatly with consistent letter placement, spacing and letter sizing?
Specific skills targeted within this group include:
  • Mature pencil grip development
  • Assuming and maintaining seated posture
  • Developing and maintaining written organisation during handwriting tasks
  • Developing fine motor planning and co-ordination
  • Developing core stability and shoulder stability

Groups are run in 1 hour sessions twice a week for 3 weeks duration. Children who attend the group will be given activities to follow through with at home to further assist in skill development and maintenance.

Parents will receive a summary of their child’s progress at the conclusion of the group.

Play & Write Advance

Is your child able to:
  • Hold the pencil and sit properly at the table?
  • Write neatly with consistent letter placement, spacing and letter sizing?
  • Maintain written organisation under time constraints?
  • Copy accurately?
  • Join their letters correctly in cursive writing?
  • Use mind mapping and brainstorming to organise their ideas?
Specific skills targeted within this group include:
  • Mature pencil grip development
  • Assuming and maintaining seated posture
  • Developing and maintaining written organisation during handwriting tasks
  • Developing handwriting with speed
  • Developing accuracy in copying
  • Developing cursive joins and fluency
  • Developing organisation of ideas through techniques such as mind mapping and brainstorming

Groups are run in 1 hour sessions twice a week for 3 weeks duration. Children who attend the group will be given activities to follow through with at home to further assist in skill development and maintenance. Parents will receive a summary of their child’s progress at the conclusion of the group.

Download our Write It Right! brochure.

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